05-30-05 - Oh by the way... (Chris)

I decided to take last week off. I've returned refreshed and ready to finish this storyline. It went on way too long. I'll definitely have to make some changes to future ones.


05-19-05 - Happy SW day! (Chris)

Well, the saga is complete and I say it went out with a bang. Phatom Menace was okay and Clones blew big time. But this one is better, a lot better. It's dark and gritty and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

A lot of people are complaining about the acting. I thought it was really good. At least the parts that didn't involve Padme and Anakin talking lovey-dovey to each other. For some reason, they didn't seem to have any chemistry between them and it made all the dialogue they spoke to each other seem forced and awkward.

In the end, I liked it. I thought it achieved what it was intended to do and did it well.


05-11-05 - Weezer and Monday's strip. (Chris)

Something happened Monday and the strip didn't get uploaded. It's up now, so be sure to hit the back button to check out my biting game commentary.

I haven't listened to all of Weezer's new one yet, so I'll wait to comment on that.


05-09-05 - Forza Motorsport and music. (Chris)

Forza Motorsport rules.

I haven't rapped about music for a while, so here goes.

Weezer's new album hits shelves tomorrow. I'm really excited about this. As I've said in previous posts, Weezer is one of my favorite bands and I've been eagerly awaiting this release. I just have this hope that it will return them to the level of awesomeness they had with Blue and Pinkerton.

Gwen Stefani, you are neither Asian, nor black. Just be white. Go back to white pseudo-ska. Don't make me embarrassed to listen to my Tragic Kingdom album.

I keep seeing this Hot Hot Heat band playing their totally awesome brand of 80's Brit-pop and it makes me want to buy their CD. Unfortunately, I fear the rest of the album won't be as good. I hate living in fear.


04-18-05 - The Batman of the Opera is Here. (Chris)

I went to the local cheap theater to watch the Phantom of the Opera yesterday. Despite how much I enjoy the music in the play, I boycotted this film because it was directed by Joel Schumacher and I still haven't forgiven him for destroying Batman.

But, for 3 bucks, I thought, what the hell. So, I went, and I sat in the balcony, and I listened to my brother's friend make breast jokes through the entire thing. However, I still really enjoyed the film. The music was incredible. The visuals were incredible. I still won't forgive him for his atrocities, but he's got a good start.


04-13-05 - Five foot wookies rule. (Chris)

If you'll notice in today's strip, I've included a five foot wookie.

So, I watched the Fuse stuff. I was pleasantly surprised. They handled it with quite a bit of respect. The only ones who really looked crazy were the guys who make video-game armor, and they're paid to do that. All in all, it was pretty good.


04-11-05 - Tonight Fuse makes us look dumb. (Chris)

Apparantly, at 7 p.m. Eastern time, the music channel Fuse is going to feature gamers on their original show "D'Fused." I'm going to watch it and I'm not sure what it's going to be like. All I know is they had this guy on the commercial that was like "HALO 2 IS MY LIFE, MAN!"

As if us gamers don't have a big enough stigma when it comes to our hobbies. I love Fuse, so I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Who knows.


04-09-05 - Roper is awesome and mosh pits are wierd. (Chris)

Roper played tonight at the Underground and I'm finally starting to calm down. It was so incredible seeing a writer I respect so much up close.

On a personal note, I did help set up the show and got to see them when they arrived. It was odd. I've never lifted someone up so high that I couldn't talk to them, but when I saw him come in, I got cold feet. I'm not sure if it was the fact that I didn't want to sound like a stupid fanboy, or if I was scared that I lifted him up on a pedestal he couldn't live up to. Either way, it was a feeling I've never experienced.

However, I got over it and went over and talked to him after the show. I think it was a point in which I realized that he's seen me dance like a white guy without any rhythm and he's seen me scream every line on his albums. How much stupider could I seem. But, when all was said and done, he was a really cool guy. I'm happy I got to talk to him.


04-08-05 - I was watching Fuse tonight... (Chris)

I love Fuse. It seems to have just the right amount of videos (90 percent of their schedule) to make me want to watch it over MTV or MTV2 anyday.

I noticed Gorillaz had a new video out. Those of you who haven't heard their earlier self-titled album are missing out. I know a lot of people thought they'd be a flash-in-the-pan gimmick group and I'm not sure why. From the first time I heard Clint Eastwood I fell in love with how, um, different they were. It was catchy brit-pop mixed with hip-hop. And I mean, they're freakin' cartoons! I'm rather excited to see how good the new album sounds.

Have you heard Bloc Party? When did the eighties pop-rock sound come back and why wasn't I informed. Just a little longer until I can keep my car window down when I crank Rick Springfield's Jesse's Girl. From what I hear, the full album is pretty good. They apparantly get pretty "deep."

Oh, and would someone PLEASE tell Gwen Stefani that she's very, very, very, very, very, very, very white. I think she's forgotten it.


04-04-05 - Bad math (Chris)

I just read the strip and realized the math in the second panel is off. Damn it. I hate math. I'll change it later.


03-31-05 - I'm too damn busy (Chris)

As this totally awesome picture of Raziel says, I'm switching to a three times a week schedule. In addition to this, I might make Monday a color strip or something.


03-30-05 - Rock music opinions (Chris)

Since I consider music to be one of my biggest opinions, I decided to discuss some stuff I found.

I heard Weezer's new single, "Beverly Hills," yesterday and I have to say I'm happy to see it. Green and Maladroit were considerably dry when compared to Blue and Pinkerton. From what I could tell, Weezer seemed to be returning to the grittier, harder sound of Pinkerton. This is considerably odd, because front man Rivers Cuomo has said numerous times that he will never write another Pinkerton. It comes out May 10th.

Ben Folds' new album hits shelves April 26th and I'm really excited. Most people don't know him beyond Ben Folds Five's '97 hit Brick. This is unfortunate, because Folds has always churned out some of the most honest and emotional songs I've ever heard. Speaking of Brick, do you know what it's about? It's about a guy and a girl who have to get an abortion. Listen to the song with that knowledge, and it takes a very depressing meaning.

Roper is coming to my hometown on April 8th. I'm excited, are you? Well, considering that you probably aren't from my hometown, no. I've been a huge fan of Reese Roper as a lyricist for about 10 years. What's the best part? They're coming to my brother's venue, and I can probably go meet him and talk to him.


03-25-05 - Easter vacation and "Three Cheers for Revenge." (Chris)

I'm taking the next couple of days off. I'm going out of town this weekend for some family stuff, and besides that...it's God's weekend.

I picked up "Three Cheers for Revenge" by My Chemical Romance yesterday. For starters, let me say I've never been a huge fan of gothic music. I've never liked the fashion and I've never liked the angst. However, mix it with some punk music and whoo-doggie, that's yummy.


03-23-05 - X-Box vacation (Chris)

Well, I'm back from my X-Box vacation and ready to continue the torture.

I thought I'd talk a little about this first story arc. I think I might be going on a bit long with it. Please understand that this is the first comic strip I've ever written. Before this, my writing experience involved media that didn't require people to come back every day, such as short stories or comics. So, if you consider yourself a "regular reader" (and I'm reasonably sure I have at least one.) please bear with me until I feel this out a bit more.


03-17-05 - Happy St. Patrick's Day (Chris)

It's time for my second favorite holiday of the year. The one dedicated to God's holy nectar, beer. For those of you who are underage, or perhaps, have never experienced green beer. Tonight's the night to get it. And the good news? Most bars will give you green beer REALLY cheap!

Go enjoy, and drive safe.


03-14-05 - Star Wars trailer again (Chris)

Okay, I watched the trailer and I have to say, I was rather impressed. Not nearly as much wookie action as I would have cared for, but overall, it was pretty good.

I hate to say it, mostly because I'm still pissed off at Lucas for Episode 2, but I think this might be a movie to redeem the series. Of course, I'm sure this is just wishful thinking.


03-11-05 - Star Wars trailer (Chris)

I'm going to see Robots tonight. I'm pretty excited about it. It's supposed to be pretty funny. It's also supposed to have the new Episode 3 trailer before it. Of course, Ice Age was such a good flick, so the trailer is really just icing on the cake. I expect the movie to be excellent.

From what I understand, I could have watched the trailer during the O.C. Wednesday night, but come on, I have to have some standards.


03-10-05 - Cheap artistic tricks (Chris)

You may notice something different about today and tomorrow's strip. Primarily, the lack of art. Although, I'm not saying this strip, at the moment, should be considered "art." I'm definitely losing the poorly drawn pictures.

But hell, if a guy can drop a crucifix in a jar of yellow-colored liquid and call it art, I can call what I do: art.

So, wherefore? Well, I'm still trying to get into the habit of updating every day and I don't want to drop a filler in on my second week, while I try to work into a schedule. I still can tell jokes without pictures. Cheap, huh?


03-02-05 - Live music rules (Chris)

I went to a concert last night and had my face rocked in by a band called Disciple. I'm not a huge fan of hardcore music, but these guys kicked ass. You may wonder about the whole "rocking my face in," but I can guarantee you that at one point, last night, my face caved in from the rocking.

Staple opened up for them and put on a pretty good show as well.


03-01-05 - More Oscar stuff and Star Wars! (Chris)

I realized that in my brief rant about the Oscars, I didn't talk about what was bad. One word, Beyonce. I'm sure that she's struggled since she had to put her solo career on hold, because Destiny's Child reunited, but do we really have to give her THREE songs on the Academy Awards. Stupid.

Star Wars: Republic Commando hits shelves today. I'm excited, are you?


02-28-05 - Oscars and Stuff (Chris)

I watched the oscars last night and was impressed. Chris Rock was pretty funny. Counting Crows performance was decent. Jamie Foxx won best actor award. And Spider-man 2 won some stuff. There, you've seen the best parts now.


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